Feb 15, 2025  
Rensselaer Catalog 2008-2009 
Rensselaer Catalog 2008-2009 [Archived Catalog]

Management M.S.

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The M.S. in Management is a specialized 30-credit program that may be pursued via evening or daytime courses. The program is designed for students who wish to concentrate their studies in a particular area. The criteria for candidates completing the M.S. program are as follows:

  • The academic program must specialize and focus on management and technology.
  • The approved Plan of Study includes Accounting for Reporting and Control, Financial Management I, Creating and Managing an Enterprise I and II. In addition, a concentration consisting of four related courses is required.
  • The conclusion of the academic program must include a culminating experience. The recommended course is Strategy, Technology, and Global Competitive Advantage.

Concentrations in the Master of Science Program

A concentration consists of a 12-credit group of related courses. Concentrations aid students in marketing themselves to employers for internship opportunities or for employment opportunities upon graduation.

Management of Information Systems

The Lally School’s Management of Information Systems concentration is designed for professionals seeking executive positions responsible for achieving competitive advantage through the effective development and integration of information technology into organizations. The concentration courses use an interdisciplinary approach to the practices and methodologies of systems analysis, design, development, integration, and evaluation of information technology into business functions and processes.

This concentration requires students to take MGMT 6140 (Spring) if they do not have an IT background. All students concentrating in MIS should take MGMT 6180 (Spring). Students then may fulfill the remaining requirements from the list below.

  • MGMT 6140 - Information Systems for Management Credit Hours: 3
    (for those without IT background)
  • MGMT 6170 - Advanced Systems Analysis and Design Credit Hours: 3
  • MGMT 6180 - Strategic Information Systems Management Credit Hours: 3
  • MGMT 6690 - Supply Chain Management Credit Hours: 3

Production and Operations Management

The purpose of this concentration is to provide students with an understanding of how product requirements are translated into the organizations, procedures, facilities and methods of manufacturing and service operations. This concentration prepares students for management careers at several levels of the manufacturing and service organization by developing the knowledge necessary to support and add value to the underlying strategic focus of an operating manufacturing system. Students are encouraged to assemble a set of operations courses which best facilitate their professional development and career potential.

Students take the following courses:

Marketing and New Products Development Management

This concentration is available to graduate students interested in a career path in new product development or in product management and is geared toward the special problems associated with managing high-tech products. Students focus their attention on understanding the links between an organization’s design, manufacturing, and marketing efforts for achieving successful product/market development, commercialization, and management throughout the life cycle. The Marketing and Product Development Management concentration requires students to take  the following courses. One additional course may be taken from the elective options.

One of the following two is also required:

Financial Technology

The purpose of this concentration is to provide students with the knowledge and essential skills to respond to the changes and new challenges that characterize the fast changing world of Financial Technology. The goal is that students master cutting-edge financial theory as well as advanced analytical techniques which have become a key to the success of the new breed of financial experts. Students will be exposed to emerging concepts, practices and techniques in the finance industry through rigorous training in empirical research and modeling, using a variety of professional databases and computer software packages. 

The concentration offers two tracks - financial technology and financial analysis.  Within these two tracks students will be able to develop expertise in areas such as investment banking, quantitative risk analyst,  financial controller, and private equity analyst.


Foundation Course - Prerequisite for all incoming students with non-business and non-technology undergraduate degrees. Also required for students who have not taken previous courses in mathematics or statistics, such as Math 1520; Math 4100; DSES 4140 or DSES 6160:

  • MGMT 4xxx Mathematics and Statistics Foundations

All students - in Financial Technology and Financial Analysis - take all courses from the list of basic foundation courses below. However, students with relevant previous undergraduate and graduate course work can subsitute one of these courses with a “concentration” course with the consent of the adviser:

Students also take any three of these courses:

  • MGMT 6xxx Options and Derivatives

Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship

This concentration is designed to prepare students to become entrepreneurs, experts at legal aspects of technology transfer, or managers in new product development centers in high technology companies.   There is a special focus on learning a given technology or science at the graduate level plus the legal issues in commercializing technology as well fundamentals in new product management.    In this concentration, the capstone course is Creating and Managing an Enterprise II. The four elective courses are from other departments in science and engineering in the Institute, and the remaining credits consist of these legal study courses, all of which are delivered on campus by the Albany Law School:


Contracts   (2 credits)
Introduction to Intellectual Property (2 credits)
Law of Technology Transfer (2 credits)

Elective Course Combinations:

Product Design and Innovation


  • ENGR 4960 Design Studio 6
  • STSH 4961 Design Studio 5

Biomedical Engineering

Four courses from the following:

  • BMED 4963/6963 Biology and Engineering of the Extracellular Matrix
  • BMED 4964/6964 Biomems
  • BMED 4962/6962 Mechanobiology
  • BMED 4965/6965 Commercializing Biomedical Technology




Materials Science:

  • MTLE 6961 Advanced Mechanical Properties
  • MTLE 6962 Advanced Structure
  • MTLE 6963 Advanced Kinetics

Cognitive Science - Cognitive Engineering Track

  • COGS 6964 Cognitive Modeling
  • COGS 6966 Topics in Interactive Behavior

Cognitive Science - Artificial Intelligence Track

  • COGS 6963 Human Level Intelligence
  • COGS 6968 Knowledge Representation and Meaning

Computer Science

  • CSCI 6xxx (Any course at this level with adviser approval)

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