Feb 15, 2025
Rensselaer Catalog 2008-2009 [Archived Catalog]
Biomedical Engineering and Management Minor (Minor and M.S. in Management)
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Students who identify biomedical engineering as their discipline and in addition would like to obtain a minor in Management will complete a total of 132 credits, fulfilling Management’s requirements for a minor with the following five courses:
Satsifying BMED free elective requirements
Twelve of these credits can be used to satisfy BMED free elective requirements. See the BME website at www.bme.rpi.edu for a detailed curriculum template. 2.)
Upon completion of the five courses listed above students will have fulfilled the undergraduate course requirements for admission into the Master’s in Management in Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship offered by the Lally School of Management. Applications to the Master’s in Management program should be submitted to the Lally School of Management not earlier than the Spring semester of the second year. For more information about the M.S. in Management in Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship, visit the BME website at www.bme.rpi.edu. |
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