Feb 13, 2025
Rensselaer Catalog 2015-2016 [Archived Catalog]
Materials Engineering
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The sample curriculum shown below, which results in the B.S. degree in Materials Engineering, requires a minimum of 128 credit hours and completion of the required elective courses that follow.
- HASS Elective Credit Hours: 4
- HASS Elective Credit Hours: 4
- HASS Elective Credit Hours: 4
- Science Elective Credit Hours: 4
- HASS Elective Credit Hours: 4
- Professional Development II Credit Hours: 2
(See footnote 4 below) - HASS Elective Credit Hours: 4
- Restricted Elective Credit Hours: 4
(See footnote 1 below) Fall
- Materials Elective I Credit Hours: 3
- Free Elective I Credit Hours: 4
- Free Elective II Credit Hours: 4
- Materials Elective II Credit Hours: 3
- Free Elective III Credit Hours: 4
The following is a list of courses from which the electives indicated above may be selected. The courses in the Materials Electives list may be substituted with any MTLE 4000- or 6000-level course. In order to take a 6000-level course, students may be required to obtain formal approval from the Office of Graduate Education, as specified in the course catalog. The free electives must total at least 12 credits. Restricted Elective Options
- This course can be taken in either semester.
- May be replaced by ENGR 1300 or another engineering exploration course.
- May be replaced by ENGR 1400.
- This course will be fulfilled from a list published at the start of each semester.
- This restricted elective option is available to dual MTLE/BMED majors only.
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