Recommended Courses for Students in Bachelor of Architecture Program
Given the close link between architecture and civil engineering, the following set of courses are recommended for students in the Bachelor of Architecture program who are interested in completing a minor in civil engineering with an emphasis in structural engineering.
1) Completion of MATH 1010 is recommended prior to enrolling in Civil Engineering courses. However, MATH 1500 is an acceptable alternative to MATH 1010 .
2) The core engineering courses ENGR 1100 and ENGR 2530 are prerequisites for many of the civil engineering courses. These core courses are waived for students who have completed ARCH 2330 with a grade of B or higher.
3) Subject to approval of the School of Architecture program adviser, ARCH 4330 will be waived for students who complete CIVL 2670 , CIVL 4070 , and CIVL 4080 . Since ARCH 4330 is part of the Bachelor of Architecture core program, students will be required to substitute a 3-credit elective in its place.
4) Bachelor of Architecture students pursuing this minor should recognize that some of the civil engineering courses may rely on material from some of the core engineering courses (i.e., ENGR 1100 , ENGR 2090 , MATH 1010 , MATH 1020 , MATH 2400 , and PHYS 1100 ). Thus, the student should anticipate the possible need for some self-study while taking the civil engineering courses.