IME majors must select six courses from the following list of technical electives. The selected courses must include a minimum of four ISYE numbered courses and at least two courses from among: ISYE 4200, ISYE 4230, ISYE 4240 and ISYE 4250:
No more than 2 courses from:
ENGR 1600 Materials Science for Engineers
ENGR 2090 Engineering Dynamics
ENGR 2250 Thermal and Fluids Engineering I
ENGR 2350 Embedded Control
ENGR 2530 Strength of Materials
ENGR 2710 General Manufacturing Processes
ENGR 4300 Electronic Instrumentation
ENGR 4710 Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory I
ENGR 4720 Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory II ISYE 4200 Design and Analysis of Work Systems
ISYE 4230 Quality Control
ISYE 4240 Engineering Project Management
ISYE 4250 Facilities Design & Industrial Logistics
ISYE 4280 Decision Focused Systems Engineering
Other approved technical elective options:
ISYE 4220 Optimization Algorithms and Applications
ISYE 4260 Human Performance Modeling and Support
ISYE 4760 Mathematical Statistics
ISYE 4810 Computational Intelligence
ISYE 4930 Complex Systems Modeling for Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISYE 4931 Ethics of Modeling for Industrial and Systems Engineering
Special undergraduate sections or regular graduate sections of 6000 level ISYE courses can also serve as technical electives except for ISYE 6600, ISYE 6610 and ISYE 6620.
IME majors may select any one of the following courses to satisfy the management elective requirement:
ECON 2010 Managerial Economics
ECON 4210 Cost Benefit Analysis
MGMT 1100 Introduction to Management
MGMT 2320 Accounting for Decision Making
MGMT 4430 Marketing Principles
MGMT 4510 Invention, Innovation, & Entrepreneur.
MGMT 4520 Technological Entrepreneurship
MGMT 4530 Starting Up a New Venture
MGMT 4850 Managing the High Perf. Org I
MGMT 4860 Managing the High Perf. Org II