Rensselaer Catalog 2010-2011 [Archived Catalog]
Center for Infrastructure, Transportation and the Environment
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Director: Jose Holguin-Veras
CITE Home Page:
The Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment’s (CITE) vision is to become a national and international leader in research, education, outreach, and technology transfer in the areas of infrastructure, transportation, and their links to the environment. In achieving this vision, CITE will emphasize the use of multidisciplinary approaches, as they provide the only avenue to deal with the complexity of the challenges faced by mankind at this particular moment in history. To this effect, CITE will work together with engineers, scientists, policy makers, and community leaders to find research-based solutions to relevant problems impacting infrastructure, transportation, and the environment.
There is no doubt that civil and environmental engineers (CEE) have a crucial role to play in the solution of mankind’s challenges, both current and future. The nature of this role is being shaped by a conjunction of emerging challenges and societal/technological trends. Among them, it is important to highlight:
- The important role played by CEE towards achieving energy and environmental goals.
- The CEE research needs associated with unmanaged urbanization and the rise of megacities.
- The anticipated increase in natural and man-made disasters and the need to develop new paradigms of resilient and sustainable CEE systems.
- The pervasive role of information technology, sensors, and wireless technologies that can enhance CEE decision making.
- The deplorable state of the nation’s infrastructure and the need to create new paradigms of design and operation that lead to sustainable and resilient CEE systems.
- Climate change and its impacts on coastal areas where the share of the world population population is increasing.
Projects recently completed or presently underway include:
- Dynamic urban goods modeling (NSF)
- Integrated urban freight demand management (USDOT)
- Advanced Wireless Traveler Information Systems (USDOT/NYSDOT)
- Electronic toll collection system design game (FHWA/NYSDOT)
- Assessment of impacts of Value Pricing Projects (FHWA/NJDOT)
- Freight-related network enhancements (USDOT/NYSDOT)
- Dynamic urban goods modeling (NSF)
- Transport systems control (NSF)
- Long-range transportation research (NSF)
- Wireless communications handbook (FHWA/NYSDOT)
- Video instrumentation handbook (FHWA/NYSDOT)
- Truck fleet management (SNL)
- Advanced concrete curing technologies (USDOT/NYSDOT)
Affiliated Faculty
J. Ban, D. Berg, J. Chow, K. Connor, A. Desrochers, R. Dobry, M. Embrechts, J. Holguin-Veras, C. Hsu, M. Kalsher, C. Malmborg, M. O’Rourke, J. Plawsky, S. Salon, G. Saulnier, M. Shephard, D. Vitaliano, W. Wallace
Participating Faculty: J. Ban, M. Goldberg, J. Holguin-Veras, M. Magdon-Ismail, J. Mitchell, S. W. Wallace
Research Engineer: J. Wojtowicz
Administrative Staff: J. Pertierra
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