Sep 27, 2024  
Rensselaer Catalog 2013-2014 
Rensselaer Catalog 2013-2014 [Archived Catalog]


  • MANE 4170 - Machine Dynamics

    The principles of dynamics as applied to the analysis of the accelerations and dynamic forces in machines and machine components such as linkages, cams, and gears. The effect these dynamic forces have on the dynamic balance and operation of the machines and the attending stresses in the individual components of the machines.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2090 and MATH 2400.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4180 - Mechanisms

    The displacement, velocity, and acceleration analysis of planar mechanisms, four bar linkages, slider, cranks, cams, and gear systems. Some synthesis techniques. Explore the use of existing large and small computer graphics programs.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGR 2090.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4200 - Rotorcraft Performance, Stability, and Control

    Topics in flight dynamics generic to rotorcraft (e.g., helicopters and tilt-rotor VTOLs). Lift and propulsion systems, hovering, and forward flight characteristics. Dynamics of flapping rotors. Longitudinal and lateral trim. Dynamic flight stability, controllability, and basics of automatic control requirements.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4070 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 4220 - Inventor’s Studio

    Students work in teams to continue design and development work on approved projects that started in other courses such as Introduction to Engineering Design. New projects can also be proposed by students. Emphasis will be on completing the design, building an improved prototype, applying for patent protection, and licensing the design. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. Oral and written presentations are required. This is a communication-intensive course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGR 2050 or permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall and spring terms annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4230 - Air Vehicle Design

    Conceptual and preliminary design of manned and unmanned air vehicles to satisfy given mission requirements and aircraft specifications. Includes elements of initial sizing and weights, geometry selection, aerodynamic design, propulsion integration, stability and control, loads, structural design, materials, manufacturability, and cost analysis. This is a communication-intensive course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 4060 and MANE 4090 and MANE senior standing.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4240 - Introduction to Finite Elements

    An introductory course in use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to solve one-and two-dimensional problems in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and elasticity. The methods are developed using weighted residuals. Algorithms for the construction and solution of the governing equations are also covered. Students will be exposed to the use of commercial finite element software.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2250 or ENGR 2530 or ECSE 4160 and senior standing.

    When Offered: Fall and spring terms annually.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 4240. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 4240.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4250 - Mechatronic System Design

    Mechatronic system design principles, modeling/ analysis/control (continuous and digital) of dynamic systems, control sensors/actuators and microcomputer/microcontroller interfacing, control electronics, and real-time programming for control. Lectures and weekly homework exercises; student teams complete two projects, each with required oral and written presentations; reverse engineering of a successful mechatronic system and a design-build-test exercise based on one of the laboratory systems of Mechatronics.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4490.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4260 - Design of Mechanical Systems

    This course acquaints students with all the phases of the design process from recognizing the need through a detailed conceptual design. Students work in teams on a semester-long project with the assistance of faculty consultants.  The design projects require students to draw upon their engineering background, experience, and other pertinent resources. Oral and written presentations are required. This is a communication-intensive course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Senior standing.

    When Offered: Fall and spring terms annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4280 - Design Optimization: Theory and Practice

    This course introduces the student to the theory and practical use of numerical design optimization methods, with a major focus on the practical problem formulations and results evaluation - relevant to engineering design.  Optimal design topics include methods for unconstrained nonlinear problems, constrained linear and nonlinear problems, sensitivity analysis, multiobjective optimization, physical programming, and Pareto optimality.  Some prior knowledge of MATLAB is helpful, but not required.  MATLAB is used extensively.  Most assignments require the use of a computer to generate numerical results using MATLAB.  Use of a laptop in class is also required.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4030 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4340 - Physics of Radiology

    An introductory course on physical principles behind the creation of diagnostic medical images. Medical imaging is one of the most exciting and technologically demanding fields of medicine. Topics include radiation interaction, radiation dosimetry, formation and quality of X-ray images, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging, and radiation detection and safety. Current research on image quality optimization, image-guided radio-surgery, 3-D/4-D ultrasound imaging, and Monte Carlo simulations are reviewed.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2830 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4350 - Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement

    Nuclear instrumentation and radiation detector systems for the collection, processing and displaying of signals related to photons, electrons, alpha particles, and neutrons. Topics include: radiation interactions, counting statistics, ionization chambers, proportional counters, Geiger counters, scintillators, gamma-ray spectroscopy, semiconductor detectors, slow and fast neutron detection, liquid scintillation and TLD, and background and shielding. Students will tour a 100-MeV electron accelerator facility and learn to use MCNP code to simulate an HPGe gamma spectrometer.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2830 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4360 - Introduction to Fusion Devices and Systems

    Examination of the requirements and approaches for the commercial application of nuclear fusion. Discussion of fusion basics including fusion reactions, competing processes, energy balances, the need for plasmas, plasma confinement, and heating concepts. Analyses of fusion reactor embodiments based on magnetic and inertial confinement concepts. Identification of key physics, engineering, and technology issues associated with fusion development. Consideration of economics, environmental, and resource implications of fusion energy systems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4370 - Nuclear Engineering Laboratory

    A laboratory course covering topics in instrumentation, radiation detection and dosimetry associated with X-ray, gamma-ray, electron and neutron sources, applied physics, fluid dynamics, spectroscopy, neutron time of flight, and a project on shielding design using the MCNP code.  Statistics of random events, error propagation, end error analyses are emphasized.  Lab attendance is required along with formal written lab reports, which include data error analysis.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2600 and MANE 2830.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 4380 - NEEP Senior Design Project I

    This is the first of a two-semester sequence for seniors intended to be a “capstone” design project where students have the opportunity to utilize the broad range of their undergraduate experience in an interdisciplinary design project. Projects are selected to provide interaction between nuclear engineering and engineering physics majors to provide exposure to cross-fertilization of ideas and team interaction, which simulates anticipated future professional experience. The product of each design project is a comprehensive report or design proposal having both global and detail completeness. Under some circumstances, the project may involve development of cost information necessary to effect construction and may actually involve construction and commissioning of the designed apparatus. This is a communication-intensive course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 1

  • MANE 4390 - NEEP Senior Design Project II

    This is a required continuation of MANE 4380. This is a communication-intensive course.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 2

  • MANE 4400 - Nuclear Power Systems Engineering

    Application of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow principles to nuclear energy generation systems, including nuclear reactors, nuclear fusion devices and systems, and radiation technology. Engineering aspects of 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics will be emphasized. Characteristics and safety aspects of nuclear power equipment will be discussed.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGR 2250.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 4410 - Applied Atomic and Nuclear Physics

    Review of atomic and nuclear physics and quantum mechanics; application to atomic, molecular and nuclear systems; particle and photon emissions; photon/particle interactions; quantum statistics; field theory of electricity and magnetism; Maxwell equations in free space and within materials; applications to semiconductors, superconductors, accelerators, fusion systems, nuclear reactors; key measurements and databases.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 2830 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 4420 - Radiation Technology

    An introductory course on the generation, distribution, and interaction of ionizing radiation. Radiation sources such as radioisotopes, accelerators, focused ion beams, and cosmic rays are studied. Applications to semiconductor electronic devices, chemical polymerization, food preservation, sterilization, material modification, industrial and medical radiography, and radiation damage are presented.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2830.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4430 - Fundamentals of Gas-Liquid, Two-Phase Flow

    Theory of systems involving two-phase flow of liquids and gases or vapors: flow regimes including bubbly, slug, annular, and droplet, and combinations, homogeneous, separated, or dispersed flows are introduced. Single-phase flows modeling concepts and modeling methods based on the drift-flux model, and the two-fluid model are utilized in the analysis of gas-liquid flow behavior.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2250 and either MATH 4600 or permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4440 - Critical Reactor Laboratory

    Theory and operation of a low-power critical reactor facility: reactor layout, instrumentation, shielding, controls, hazards, problems of start-up and shutdown, and operating parameters. Approach to criticality, operating procedures, kinetics. Measurements are made of neutron flux, fuel rod worth, radiation, and various reactivity effects.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4480.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4450 - Nuclear Fuel Management

    Sources of nuclear fuel. Mining, milling, and purification. Principles of isotope enrichment; specific methods with emphasis on gaseous diffusion. Fuel fabrication. Transport and reprocessing of spent fuel. In-core fuel management. Linear reactivity, batch, nodal, and pincell methods. Power shape and control management. Partial core reloading. Fuel depletion. Poison management and Haling strategy. Breeding and fast reactors. Economics of the fuel cycle. Computation of fuel cycle costs.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2400.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4470 - Radiological Engineering

    An introductory course on the principles of radiation and radiation protection (health physics).  Provides  a fundamental understanding of radiation interactions in matter, the biological effects of radiation, internal and external dosimetry, occupational and environmental radiation protection, health physics instrumentation, regulations, waste management, risk assessment, and radiation shielding. 

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2830 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4480 - Physics of Nuclear Reactors

    Basic nuclear reactor theory; fuel cycles. Neutron diffusion and slowing down; criticality analyses for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems; reactor kinetics and control; reactivity coefficients; fuel management. Reactor systems and types; reactor design. Power plant safety.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2400 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 4490 - Mechatronics

    The synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computer science in the design process. The key areas of mechatronics studied in depth are control sensors and actuators, interfacing sensors and actuators to a microcomputer, discrete controller design, and real-time programming for control using the C programming language. The unifying theme for this heavily laboratory-based course is the integration of the key areas into a successful mechatronic design.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2350, MANE 4050, and senior standing.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Contact, Lecture or Lab Hours: 5 contact hours
  • MANE 4550 - Analysis of Manufacturing Processes

    Review of basic aspects of manufacturing engineering including driving forces, quality attributes, tolerances, etc. Examination of basic principles of mechanics, engineering materials, analysis of both bulk-forming (forging, extrusion, rolling, etc.) and sheet-forming processes, metal cutting, and other related manufacturing processes. Discussion and role of computer-aided manufacturing in these areas.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2530 and MANE 4030.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4610 - Vibrations

    Free and forced linear vibrations of damped and undamped mechanical and electrical systems of n degrees of freedom. Continuous system vibration. Manual and computer methods of finding natural frequencies, mode shapes, and final solutions.   Self-and nonself-adjoint problems. Eigenfunction expansion. Integral transforms. Methods of approximating natural frequencies: Rayleigh quotient, Rayleigh Energy, Rayleigh-Ritz, Ritz-Galerkin, Holzer, Matrix iteration. Perturbation techniques. Stability criteria.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGR 2090 or equivalent; Math 2400.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4670 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials

    Stress, strain, balance equations, elementary constitutive models.  Elements of plasticity.  Effect of temperature and deformation rate on mechanical behavior of engineering materials.  Theory of dislocations.  Deformation of metals and strengthening mechanisms.  Creep behavior and viscoelastic models of material behavior.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGR 2530.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4700 - Solar Devices and Renewable Energy

    Solar irradiation, its nature, and its measurement. Insolation on tilted surfaces. Application of the principles of heat transfer and thermodynamics to the theoretical and experimental analysis of solar energy components used in the heating and cooling of buildings as well as hot water heating devices. Theoretical consideration of thermal storage devices, solar collectors, and solar-augmented heat pumps. Approximate techniques; other ongoing research topics.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4710 - Heat Transfer

    Comprehensive treatment of conduction, convection (including boiling and condensation), and radiation heat transfer. Thermal system design and performance (including heat exchangers). Emphasis is on physical and mathematical modeling of engineering systems for application of modern analytical and computational solution methods.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4010 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4720 - Design and Analysis of Energy Systems

    The course focuses on design and analysis of energy systems from accessibility (cost), availability (security/reliability) and acceptability (Environmental, health impacts etc). The course discusses various forms of energy sources, various forms of energy consumption. The life cycle analyses build on first principles and thermo-economic considerations. Methods of life cycle analyses from net energy, economics and impact will be studied.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4010.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4750 - Combustion Systems

    Introduction to elementary theory of combustion and applications to energy sources, fires, and explosions. Discussion of internal and external combustion piston and turbine engines, solid-and liquid-propellant rockets, fire and explosion hazards of gaseous fuels, propellant and explosive performance.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4010 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4760 - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

    Principles for the control of air properties to meet comfort and industrial requirements, load determination, psychrometry, cycles, transmission, distribution, and automatic control.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite or corequisite: MANE 4010.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4800 - Boundary Layers and Heat Transfer

    The Navier-Stokes equations and the boundary layer approximation. Exact solutions and integral methods of incompressible boundary layers. Transition; turbulence. Convective heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4070 or MANE 4010.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4830 - Acoustics Engineering

    Solutions of acoustic wave and diffusion equations; stationary and moving monopole, dipole, quadrapole sources; geometrical acoustics; acoustical impedance, energy density, source strength, intensity flux; near and far field approximations; stationary and moving boundary interaction (viscous, dilational boundary layers, streaming, scattering). Applications include propeller, turbulent noise; total- and semi-anechoic chambers; loudspeakers; microphones, straight, tapered fluidic transmission lines; water hammer; musical instruments; room acoustics; sound absorbing, transmitting, and reflecting solid, liquid, gaseous media property determination.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ENGR 2090 and MATH 2400.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4850 - Space Vehicle Design

    Space vehicle design introduces all elements of the spacecraft design process from proposal preparation through detailed specification and prototyping. Students are organized into design teams associated with different subsystems and tasks, to develop a solution to a space vehicle system’s problem of practical interest, by drawing on their background in aerospace engineering science, machine design, and manufacturing methods. Topics include problem definition and requirement analysis, design specifications, concept development, reliability, consideration of alternative solutions, materials considerations, engineering prototyping, mission analysis, and presentation skills. This is a communication-intensive and writing-intensive course. 

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Seniors only.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4860 - Introduction to Helicopter Design

    Aerodynamics and dynamics of lifting rotors. Design concepts by which rotor weight and stress are minimized and vehicle control is provided. Weight and engine power trends for configuration definition. Center of gravity and aerodynamic lift and moment for equilibrium and desired aircraft attitude. Methods for determining size, weight, and cost for a given payload, useful volume, and specified performance. This is a communication-intensive course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 4200 Rotorcraft Performance, Stability, and Control and MANE senior standing.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4900 - Aeroelasticity and Structural Vibrations

    Basic concepts in static and dynamic aeroelasticity. Structural vibrations, free and forced motion of discrete and continuous structures, introduction to modal analysis, and use of materials for dynamics tailoring. Aeroelastic behavior of complex structures, dynamic aeroelasticity. The phenomena of divergence, control surface effectiveness, and flutter and the use of composite materials for aeroelastic tailoring.  The role of numerical methods will be emphasized.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MATH 2400, MANE 2060 and MANE 4060 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 4910 - Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

    Wind tunnel experiments in fluid mechanics and the aerodynamics of airplane models with emphasis on lift, drag, separation and stall, transition and turbulence, longitudinal and lateral stability, and data acquisition and analysis. This includes pressure and velocity measurement techniques, hot wire anemometry, demonstrations of Particle Imaging Velocimetry, flow visualizations, tunnel characterization, laboratory instrumentation, errors and noise in measurements, digital sampling, and comparison of measured data with theoretical and computational predictions.


    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4070.

    When Offered: Fall and spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 2

  • MANE 4920 - Aerospace Structures and Control Laboratory

    Laboratory experiments with primary emphasis on lightweight structures, structural dynamics, and control as it applies to aircraft and spacecraft. Experiments include elastic instability, linear and nonlinear structural vibrations, gyrodynamics, spacecraft stability, the role of materials (including composites), etc.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4060.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 2

  • MANE 4940 - Individual Projects in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, or Engineering Physics

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall and spring terms annually.

    Credit Hours: 3 to 6

  • MANE 4960 - Topics in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, or Engineering Physics

    When Offered: Fall and spring terms annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 5000 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics I

    A presentation of mathematical methods useful in engineering practice. The course covers analytical and numerical techniques used in linear algebra, the numerical solution of nonlinear equations, the foundations of vector and tensor algebra and an introduction to vector operators. Also covered are methods of polynomial and trigonometric interpolation and approximation, numerical solution methods for initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations and an overview of the fundamentals of probability and statistics including random variables, density and distribution functions and hypothesis testing. Symbolic manipulation and scientific computation software used extensively. Emphasis on reliable computing is made throughout.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 5060 - Introduction to Compressible Flow

    One-dimensional isentropic compressible flow. Normal stationary and moving shock waves. Design on inlet and ducted diffusers, steady flow wind tunnels and shock tubes. Flow in ducts with friction and heat transfer.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 5080 - Turbomachinery

    Representation of performance of turbomachines; mechanism of energy transfer; factors limiting design and performance including surge, choking, and cavitation; two-and three-dimensional flow phenomena; performance analysis including multistage effects and off-design performance.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 5100 - Mechanical Engineering Foundations I

    A presentation of the principles of macroscopic transport useful in the analysis of mechanical engineering systems. The course covers the formulation energy mass and momentum balances in continua; the development of mathematical models of heat conduction and mass diffusion in solids and of flow in ideal and Newtonian fluids. Models are illustrated using examples from mechanical engineering. Particular attention throughout is devoted to the development of the ability to create realistic and reliable models.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6060 - Rotorcraft Performance, Stability, and Control

    Topics in flight dynamics, generic to rotorcraft. Lift and propulsion system, hovering, forward flight. Longitudinal and lateral trim. Dynamic stability.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Corequisite: MANE 4050.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6110 - Kinematic Synthesis

    Analytical and geometrical theories of function, path, and motion generation of four bar linkages. Consists of 3, 4, and 5 accuracy points. Review of recent developments and use of computer graphic methods.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6120 - Robotics

    Elements of robot manipulators, mobility criteria, 3-D coordinate systems, matrix representation. Joint solutions and motion characteristics. Simulation on computer graphics. Hands-on experience of several robots and applications in industry.

    When Offered: Upon sufficient demand.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6130 - Dynamics of Rotating Machinery

    Analytical basis of design for rotating machinery mounted on various types of bearing supports, as exemplified by turboshaft engines, centrifugal or axial flow compressors, vehicle drivetrains, etc. Description of analytical and numerical tools for evaluation of dynamic stability, critical speeds, and unbalance response of rotor-bearing systems. Special problems encountered in modern applications operating through and above the critical speeds, and means of their solution, including rigid and flexible rotor balancing and support damper design. Several informal laboratory sessions are included to enhance visualization of rotordynamic phenomena.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4170.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6150 - Advanced Structural Analysis

    Development and application of the variational formulation to structural dynamics problems involving effects such as rotary inertia, shear deformation, extensionality, and nonlinearities. Several papers published in the technical journals are also discussed during the semester.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6170 - Mechanics of Solids


    This course provides an introduction to the mechanics of solids from a continuum perspective. Topics covered in this course include: vector and tensor analysis, coordinate systems and calculus in curvilinear coordinate systems, kinematics (motion, deformation and strain), stress and momentum balance, energy principles and balance laws, linear isotropic and anisotropic elasticity, thermoelasticity, method of solutions for 2-D and 3-D linear elastic boundary value problems, applications to simple structures.



    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6170. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6170.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6180 - Mechanics of Composite Materials

    Mechanics of elastic heterogeneous solids. Plasticity of composite materials. Thermoelastic and thermoplastic behavior. Mechanics of distributed damage. Mechanical behavior.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: one graduate course in mechanics of solids.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6180. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6180.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6200 - Plates and Shells

    Preliminaries on linear, three-dimensional elasticity theory. Reduction of the elasticity theory to theories of plates and shells. Anisotropy. Nonlinear theories. Applications.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6200. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6200.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6210 - Structural Stability

    Indicial and invariant notation, elements of variational calculus and nonlinear elasticity. Variational derivation of the linear stability equations for plates, rods, open thin-walled sections and cylindrical shells. Solutions of stability problems in each of these systems and development of approximation procedures.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6210. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6210.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6240 - Introduction to Neural Networks

    Neural networks are program and memory at once, useful where traditional techniques fail, i.e., for artificial speech and image recognition. Emphasis on existing and emerging engineering applications. Parallel distributed processing, Hebb’s rule, Hopfield net, back-propagation algorithm, perceptrons, unsupervised learning, Kohenen self-organizing map, genetic algorithms, neocognitron, adaline. Illustrated with computer programs and lectures.

    When Offered: Upon sufficient demand.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as ISYE 6870. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and ISYE 6870.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6250 - Continuum Mechanics

    General curvilinear coordinates, determinants, diagonalization of symmetric matrices, polar decomposition theorem. Description of finite deformation and motion, convected coordinates. Conservation equations, Cauchy and Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors and equations of motion. Boundary conditions. Thermodynamics of continua, invariance principles, objective tensors. Constitutive equations, nonlinear elasticity, thermoelasticity, heat conducting fluids. Linearizations. Variational derivation of the equations of nonlinear elasticity.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 4330 or permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6260 - Radiation Technology and Applications

    An introductory course on the generation, distribution, and interaction of ionizing radiation. Radiation sources such as radioisotopes, accelerators, focused ion beams, and cosmic rays are studied. Applications to semiconductor electronic devices, chemical polymerization, food preservation, sterilization, material modification, industrial and medical radiography, and radiation damage are presented.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2830 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6270 - Environmental Radiation Safety Controls

    Consideration and control of the health hazards peculiar to the atomic industry. Radiological units; exposure control; shielding; fallout; toxic materials; shipping and storage; waste disposal; legal aspects. Introduction to criticality hazards. Nonionizing radiation.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 2400 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 4

  • MANE 6280 - Nuclear Reactor Analysis II

    Reactor kinetics, stability, and control. Perturbation methods, reactivity coefficients; feedback mechanisms, long-term reactivity changes. Fission product effects on reactor startup and spatial stability. Fuel depletion. Theory of control and burnable poisons.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4480.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6290 - Radiation Transport Methods

    Linear and nonlinear Boltzmann equations. Analytical solutions. Computer solution by P-N, S-N, diffusion, moments, integral, and Monte Carlo methods. Energy group averaging, scattering angle representation, and transport approximations. Perturbation and adjoint applications. Heavy ion and electron transport. Transport in interacting particle and photon systems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4480.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6300 - Numerical Methods in Reactor Analysis

    Difference equations; matrix operation, linear systems, matrix eigenvalue problems, multi-group diffusion, and transport theory methods. Sn calculations, Monte Carlo methods. Application to nuclear engineering calculations, such as flux and power distributions, heat conduction, programming reactor problems for digital computers, codes, etc.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 4480, MATH 4600 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6310 - Reactor Design

    The reactor design problem is studied using current methods. Emphasis is placed on thermal and hydraulic analyses of power reactors, neutronics, fuel cycles, economics, nuclear analysis, control, siting, and safety. Complete reactor systems are analyzed. Standard reactor design codes are utilized.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2400 (may be concurrent).

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6320 - Radioactive Waste Management

    Characterization and description of low-level and high-level wastes. Calculational methods, radiological considerations, regulatory requirements. Radwaste treatment system in nuclear power plants, enrichment and reprocessing plants. Volume reduction and solidification of waste. Transportation and burial site practices. Environmental surveillance. Decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 2400.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6350 - Radiation Shielding

    Design, analysis, and confirmation of radiation shields. Point kernel, removal-diffusion, P-N, discrete ordinates, and Monte Carlo computation method. Photon, neutron, and charged particle transport data, applications, and tests. Shield materials and behavior. Dosimetry in shield confirmation.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4480.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6360 - Reactor Reliability and Safety

    Theory and applications of reliability and risk assessment. Boolean algebra, logic diagrams, redundancy, and majority-vote configurations. System synthesis by reliability and fault tree techniques, quantitative evaluation, uncertainty analysis. Common cause events, failure data, and failure models. Allocation of risk to subsystems. Availability, repair policies, renewal theory. Operational reliability methods.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MANE 4050 and MATH 4600.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6370 - Thermal-Hydraulic Design of Nuclear Reactors

    An introduction to the principles underlying the thermal-hydraulic design of nuclear power reactors. Topics include plant thermal limits, sub-channel analysis, thermal-hydraulic stability analysis, and reactor system response during both normal and postulated accident conditions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 6840 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6380 - Nuclear Reactor Materials

    The physical metallurgy and associated physical chemistry of problems encountered in the application of materials in nuclear reactors is discussed. Specifically, the metallurgy and physical chemistry of ceramic fuels (e.g., oxygen potentials), the primary fuel densification and pellet-clad interaction mechanisms, irradiation-induced creep, hardening, and embrittlement mechanisms, and the properties of zircalloy are covered.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4480.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6390 - Atomic and Nuclear Physics Applications

    Principles and design of spectrometers and accelerators; NMR, ESR, Mossbauer methods, lasers, microwave devices, and combinations of these; sources, beam transport and focusing; targets and effects.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4410.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6400 - Analytical Dynamics

    A fundamental course in dynamics of rigid and flexible bodies. Review of kinematics and Newtonian dynamics; virtual variations and fundamentals of calculus of variations; generalized coordinates, velocities and momenta; constraints; generalized Hamilton’s principle and Lagrangean dynamics; rotational dynamics, orientation angles and Euler parameters; brief introduction to the analysis of nonlinear systems and stability of motion. Applications to the motion of rigid and flexible bodies. The role of symbolic manipulation in dynamics is introduced.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6420 - Multibody Dynamics

    Analytical and numerical analysis of dynamic behavior of multibody mechanical systems. Emphasis on understanding all aspects of modeling and analysis process associated with real (spacecraft, automotive, biomechanical, etc.) systems. Review of traditional dynamic analysis methods (Newtonian-Euler, Lagrange, etc.), presentation of more efficient, powerful, recently developed methods (including Kane’s method). Comparison of the different formulations and their applicability to computer simulation. Treatment of constraints, extraction of data from equations of motion, and computational issues.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6430 - Nonlinear Vibrations

    A fundamental course in nonlinear vibrations and stability. Basic concepts about linear and nonlinear systems; Routh-Hurwitz and Liapunov’s stability criteria; systems with periodic coefficients and Floquet theory; effects of nonlinearities; limit cycles, jump, saturation, nonlinear resonances, modal energy exchange, etc.; perturbation methods: straightforward perturbations, Lindstedt-Poincare, harmonic balancing, multiple time scales; steady-state and transient responses of nonlinear systems. Applications to discrete and structural systems. Use of symbolic manipulation to analyze problems.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6450 - Mechanics of Materials Processing

    Modeling and analysis of common manufacturing processes. Topics include bulk-forming, sheet-forming, and casting processes. Classical analysis techniques, upper bound analysis, slip-line field theory, asymptotic methods, and the finite element method are investigated.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4330 or MANE 6170 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Upon sufficient demand.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6460 - Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue of Materials

    Fracture mechanics: linear elastic fracture, elastic crack boundary value problems, path independent integrals, stress concentration and crack nucleation, statistical approach to brittle fracture, toughening mechanisms, elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, elements of dynamic fracture. Fatigue of materials: response of materials under cyclic stress, micromechanical aspects of fatigue, phenomenological approach to fatigue life prediction, fracture mechanics approaches, fatigue crack initiation and propagation, variable amplitude and overstress effects.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites:  ENGR 2530, MANE 4670 or approval of instructor.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6480 - Health Physics and Medical Aspects of Radiation

    Use of radioisotopes and radiation in nuclear medicine, radiation chemistry, basis of dosimetry, ionizing and nonionizing energy transfer processes in living tissue and cells. Radiation effects on the structure of nucleic acids, proteins, and cell membranes with emphasis on mechanisms by which cell viability is lost. Background in radiation chemistry is developed in particular for engineering majors. Applications are given in nuclear medicine, cancer therapy, and radiation in the environment.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6490 - Plasticity

    Stress invariants. Polyaxial stress-strain relation for strain-hardening materials. Ideal plasticity, various yield conditions and associated flow rules. Variational principles. Limit analysis. Applications in elastic-plastic stress analysis, metal forming, plastic collapse, and plastic instability.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6500 - Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

    Flow of non-Newtonian fluids such as polymeric liquids, granular mixtures, etc. Flow phenomena and material functions. Integral and differential constitutive equations for generalized Newtonian, linear viscoelastic, and ordered fluids.

    When Offered: Upon sufficient demand.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6530 - Turbulence

    Navier-Stokes equations, linear stability, vorticity and its origin, transition in wall-bounded and free-shear flows, statistics and Reynolds averaging, homogeneous turbulence, coherent structures, laboratory methods for study of turbulence, including turbulence measurements and turbulence modeling.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4800 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6540 - Advanced Thermodynamics

    General principles and applications of equilibrium thermodynamics. Second law analysis of energy systems. Thermodynamic relations, equations of state, properties of single and multiphase systems. Elementary statistical thermodynamics. Fundamentals of nonequilibrium thermodynamics.

    When Offered: Upon availability of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6550 - Theory of Compressible Flow

    General equations of compressible flow. Specialization to inviscid flows in two space dimensions. Linearized solutions in subsonic and supersonic flow. Characteristic equations for supersonic flow with applications in external and internal flow. One-dimensional nonsteady compressible flow. Introduction to transonic flow.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4070 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6560 - Incompressible Flow

    Graduate fluid mechanics course on classical and modern approaches to hydrodynamics. Topics cover three areas, (1) surface waves, (2) flow instability, and (3) vortex dynamics. Wave topics include linear dispersive and nondispersive waves, weakly nonlinear waves, and viscous effects, with special attention to surface tension phenomena. Flow instabilities include gravitational, capillary, thermal, centrifugal, and viscous instabilities. Topics in vortex dynamics include vortex laws and flow invariants, generation and decay of vorticity, and vortex-boundary interaction.

    When Offered: Fall term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6600 - Systems Analysis Techniques

    Methods of analysis for continuous and discrete-time linear systems. Convolution, classical solution of dynamic equations, transforms and matrices are reviewed. Emphasis is on the concept of state space. Linear spaces, concept of state, modes, controllability, observability, state transition matrix. State variable feedback, compensation, decoupling.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4050 or ECSE 2410 or  equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6630 - Conduction Heat Transfer

    An introduction to the mathematics of conduction heat transfer. Applications of results illustrated by examples from furnace design, cooling of electric components, building design, heat exchanger design.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6640 - Radiation Heat Transfer

    An introduction to radiation heat transfer in diathermanous media and participating media. Selected applications from spacecraft design, furnace design, meteorology, temperature measurement, environmental control.

    When Offered: Fall term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6650 - Convective Heat Transfer

    Fundamental study of convection heat transfer in laminar and turbulent internal and external flows. Unsteady flows, combined heat and mass transfer, conjugated unsteady heat transfer, and buoyancy induced convection. Selected applications from aeronautics and heat exchanger design.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4800 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6660 - Fundamentals of Finite Elements

    Graduate-level course on the fundamental concepts and technologies underlying finite element methods for the numerical solution of continuum problems. The course emphasizes the construction of integral weak forms for elliptic partial differential equations and the construction of the elemental level matrices using multi-dimensional shape functions, element level mappings, and numerical integration. The basic convergence properties of the finite element method will be given. This course serves as preparation for students working on finite element methods.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 2400 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6660. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6660.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6670 - Nonlinear Finite Element Methods

    The formulations and solution strategies for finite element analysis of nonlinear problems are developed. Topics include the sources of nonlinear behavior (geometric, constitutive, boundary condition), derivation of the governing discrete equations for nonlinear systems such as large displacement, nonlinear elasticity, rate independent and dependent plasticity and other nonlinear constitutive laws, solution strategies for nonlinear problems (e.g., incrementation, iteration), and computational procedures for large systems of nonlinear algebraic equations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: CIVL 6660 or MANE 6660.

    When Offered: Fall term odd-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6670. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6670.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6680 - Finite Element Programming

    Examines the implementation of finite element methods. Consideration is first given to the techniques used in classic finite element programs. Attention then focuses on development of a general geometry-based code which effectively supports higher order adaptive technique. Technical areas covered include: effective construction of element matrices for p-version finite elements, ordering of unknowns, automatic mesh generation, adaptive mesh improvement, program and database structures. Implementation of automated adaptive techniques on parallel computers is also covered.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CIVL 6660, MANE 6660, CSCI 6860, or MATH 6860.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6680. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6680.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6690 - Advanced Finite Element Formulations

    This course focuses on generalized weighted residual methods and multi-field variational principles for constructing approximate solutions to sets of governing differential equations and associated boundary conditions. Topics include hybrid and mixed methods, boundary element formulations, p-version finite elements, global/local procedures, and penalty methods. Problem areas include solid mechanics (nearly incompressible solids, plates, and shells), fluid mechanics including compressible flows, and heat transfer.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CIVL 6660 or MANE 6660.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6690. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6690.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6700 - Finite Element Methods in Structural Dynamics

    Solutions to the free vibration and transient dynamic responses of two-and three-dimensional structures by the finite element method are considered. The governing finite element matrix equations are derived and numerical aspects of solving these time-dependent equations considered. Topics include the formulation of the eigenvalue problem, algorithms for eigenvalue extraction, time integration methods including stability and accuracy analysis, and finite elements in time. Modal analysis and direct time integration techniques are compared for a variety of two-and three-dimensional problems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CIVL 6660 or MANE 6660.

    When Offered: Fall term odd-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6700. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6700.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6720 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Course focuses on computational approaches to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. Course assumes knowledge of numerical methods and therefore directly attacks the obstacles to applying these methods to the Navier-Stokes equations. Issues concerning implementation of finite difference methods (FDM), finite volume methods (FVM) and finite element methods (FEM) will be discussed. These issues include: the discrete formulation, nonlinear equation iterator (steady)/marcher (time-accurate), linear equation formation, boundary condition prescription, and linear equation solution.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 6660 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6730 - Tribology

    A basic course in tribology that covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of the subject. Content includes viscometry, the Reynolds equation, thrust and journal bearings (including design), thermal effects, dynamic loading and instability of bearings, rolling contact bearings, dry bearings, and theories of wear. This course includes design principles and data and is basic to other courses offered in tribology.

    When Offered: Fall term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6740 - Advanced Topics in Tribology

    A course for students already versed in the basic concepts of hydrodynamic lubrication. Advanced topics of current interest in the field are stressed. Material may be drawn from the literature and taught by experts in the particular field. Recent areas covered include elastohydrodynamic lubrication, bearing and rotor dynamics, inertia and turbulence effects.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 6730 or permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Spring term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6750 - Generalized Finite Element Methods

    Fundamentals of modern numerical techniques (e.g., partition of unity methods) which overcome longstanding difficulties associated with traditional FEM (e.g., mesh generation and resolution of singularities). Topics include scattered data interpolation, weighted residual methods, integral equation methods for exterior problems (applications to MEMS modeling), multiscale solution techniques using wavelets.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4240 or CIVL 4240 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6760 - Finite Element Methods for Fluid Dynamics

    Analysis of finite element methods for basic classes of problems in fluid mechanics. Starting with scalar transport equations and building to compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Emphasis on developing and analyzing formulations that are stable and higher-order accurate such as Galerkin/least-squares methods and SUPG methods. Unsteady formulations are proposed using space-time methods and semi-discrete methods.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 6660.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6770 - Multiscale Computational Modeling


    This course will introduce a unified approach of modeling in science and engineering across spatial and temporal scales using particles as well as continuum fields, specifically focusing on methods and algorithms that will facilitate this bridging. Topics include two categories of multiscale approaches: information-passing and concurrent-bridging approaches. Our goal is to algorithmically develop these methods, and in the process teach the underlying simulation techniques. Applications to realistic problems will highlight the strengths of these approaches, while stressing the challenges that still need to be surmounted.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 4240 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6780 - Numerical Modeling of Failure Processes in Materials

    State of the art in computational modeling of failure processes in materials. Topics include numerical modeling of discrete defects, distributed damage and multiscale computational techniques including multiple scale perturbation techniques, boundary layer techniques, and various global-local approaches.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CIVL 6660 or MANE 6660.

    When Offered: Spring term even-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CIVL 6780. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CIVL 6780.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6800 - Manufacturing Systems Integration

    Examination of the basic elements that are used to integrate the design and manufacture of capital and consumer products; manufacturing information systems, CAD/CAM systems, and manufacturability considerations when integrating unit process operations.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6820 - Finite Deformation Plasticity: Theory and Applications Kinematics of Finite Deformation

    Elastic-plastic and elasto-viscoplastic constitutive behavior for isotropic and strain-induced anisotropic materials. Integration algorithms and finite element formulations for solving practical problems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MANE 6170 or equivalent.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6830 - Combustion

    Review of fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, and modern diagnostics. Discussion of flame propagation, thermal and chain explosions, stirred reactors, detonations, droplet combustion, and turbulent jet flames. Introduction to computational tools for complex equilibrium and kinetic calculations. Application to problems such as pollutant formation.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Spring term odd-numbered years.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CHME 6830. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CHME 6830.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MANE 6840 - An Introduction to Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer I

    This course is intended to give students a state-of-the-art understanding about single and multicomponent boiling and condensation heat transfer phenomena. Applications include the analysis of nuclear reactors, oil wells, and chemical process equipment. Students satisfactorily completing this course are expected to thoroughly understand the current thermal-hydraulics literature on multiphase heat and mass transfer and be able to conduct independent research in this field.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: A working knowledge of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

    When Offered: Fall term annually.

    Cross Listed: Cross listed as CHME 6840. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and CHME 6840.

    Credit Hours: 3


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