Mar 30, 2025
ARCH 2820 - Architectural Design Studio 3 This studio focuses on the relationship between building and landscape in terms of conceptual, pragmatic, ideological, aesthetic, and functional issues. As such, it endeavors to examine critically the disciplinary boundary between building and landscape. It also critically assesses the connections and inherent complexities between an institutional situation, workplace activity, and residential inhabitation in order to explore questions of publicness and privacy. This studio also addresses the tectonic dimensions of construction and structure in architectural design. This course is required of all second-year architecture undergraduates in the B.Arch. program.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisiste: ARCH 2810 Architectural Design Studio 2; Corequisite: ARCH 2540 Digital Constructs 3.
When Offered: Fall term annually.
Cross Listed: ARCH 5200 Graduate Architecture Design 1.
Credit Hours: 5
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